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当前中小金融机构已经成为我国金融体系中不可替代、不可或缺的重要组成部分。在我国,中小金融机构对保持宏观经济的持续稳定增长、鼓励创新、稳定就业、增加税收等方面都发挥着极其重要的作用。但是通过解读中小金融机构运作模式内涵,发现了中小金融机构运作模式存在资产运营效率低下、人力资源管理机制不完善、市场定位不准确、分业经营制度抑制金融创新等问题。而导致这些问题的原因在于中小金融机构缺乏对内部控制的正确认识、缺少良好的外部环境、政府政策扶持力度小以及社会征信体系不完善等。因此,我们提出了完善中小金融机构金融法律法规、准确定位市场和客户、完善金融业统一的征信平台、加大政府支持力度等对策,希望能够促进我国中小金融机构的健康发展。  相似文献   
骈文是六朝政治权力运作的重要工具,以艺术的形式进行政治表达,是政治活动与书写美学相结合的产物。骈文书写与政治运作的深层关系,在于它不局限于政治运作过程的文字记录与呈现,而是其本身就是政治运作审美化的体现,以审美的形式赋予政治活动美学魅力。骈文书写与作者政治身份关系更密切,是他们直接参与政治运作的手段。作为政治行为的骈文书写不是单纯的文学写作,服务于政治的目的制约着书写形式,不同的政治意图决定了骈文书写内容的侧重点和艺术风格的选择。  相似文献   
Child abuse pediatricians have multiple roles in caring for abused children, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and, when needed, expert legal opinion. The child physical abuse consultation differs from the traditional medical consultation in that it has medical, investigative and legal audiences, all of whom have different information needs. How child abuse pediatricians approach their cases and how they document their initial inpatient consultations that will be used by such a diverse audience is currently unexplored. We used content analysis to examine 37 child physical abuse consultation notes from a national sample of child abuse pediatricians in order to understand physicians’ approaches to these consultations. Three commonly used models of child physical abuse consultation were identified in the data that we named the base model, the investigative model, and the family-dynamic model. While model types overlap, each is distinguished by key features including the approach used to gather information, the information recorded, and the language used in documentation. The base model most closely mirrors the traditional medical approach; the investigative model concentrates on triangulation of sources of information; and, the family-dynamic model concentrates on physician perceptions of family relationships. The three models of consultations for child physical abuse mirror the areas of child abuse pediatrics: diagnostic, forensic and therapeutic. These models are considered in relationship to best practice from other medical specialties with forensic components.  相似文献   
Meta-reviews of the third-person effect literature explain that scholars have assumed that certain messages are desirable or undesirable. In response, this study examines messages that vary in their social desirability so that we can better understand the specific characteristics of socially (un)desirable messages, how people account for changes in their perceptions of a message’s desirability, and the resulting behaviors from those perceptions.  相似文献   
田径运动是所有运动的基础运动,是促进身体健康的重要手段,对实现健康中国战略有重要的意义。本研究以普通高校大学体育田径运动的教学及发展路径为切入点,对几所高校进行调查分析,找出田径运动发展过程中存在的问题,并提出相关建议,使田径运动在高校更好地发展,促进健康中国战略目标的贯彻实施。  相似文献   
This study proposes a temporal analysis method to utilize heterogeneous resources such as papers, patents, and web news articles in an integrated manner. We analyzed the time gap phenomena between three resources and two academic areas by conducting text mining-based content analysis. To this end, a topic modeling technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) was used to estimate the optimal time gaps among three resources (papers, patents, and web news articles) in two research domains. The contributions of this study are summarized as follows: firstly, we propose a new temporal analysis method to understand the content characteristics and trends of heterogeneous multiple resources in an integrated manner. We applied it to measure the exact time intervals between academic areas by understanding the time gap phenomena. The results of temporal analysis showed that the resources of the medical field had more up-to-date property than those of the computer field, and thus prompter disclosure to the public. Secondly, we adopted a power-law exponent measurement and content analysis to evaluate the proposed method. With the proposed method, we demonstrate how to analyze heterogeneous resources more precisely and comprehensively.  相似文献   
摘要:主要采用文献资料法、实地调查法和访谈法,基于公共体育场馆委托经营管理模式的相关理论、政策以及对多个项目的实践比较分析,提出委托经营管理模式的应用意义、需厘清的若干关键问题和发展建议,为创新体育场馆管理体制与运行机制提供理论参考。研究发现:采用委托经营管理模式运作公共体育场馆,可以减轻财政压力、提高场馆运营效率、避免国有资产流失,盘活存量资源、扩建增量场馆。指出应用委托经营管理模式需要厘清的关键问题:1)公共体育场馆的属性;2)公共体育场馆财政政策;3)公共体育场馆的服务内容;4)公益性服务的结构和价值补偿;5)掠夺性经营等。建议政府应加快制定运营方的准入、退出标准;完善公共体育场馆委托受托契约体系;构建公益性服务价值补偿的公共财政目标导向机制;协同运营方统筹公益性与经营性服务;邀请运营方参与场馆设计;建立强有力的监督约束机制。  相似文献   
摘要:应用文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法对大型体育场馆融资模式的风险和收益进行研究。研究认为:LBPF融资模式下,大型体育场馆建设最重要的两大问题就是盈利和风险;由于大型体育场馆LBPF融资模式的特性,不确定的因素贯穿于整个项目的实施过程,与此同时,在项目的整个生命周期,对于风险的识别工作也应连续、动态地开展,其所有风险因素可分成宏观、中观、微观;在LBPF融资模式下,大型体育场馆项目的风险分担原则是:在保证项目经济平衡的前提下,考量各风险承担方(政府和经营伙伴)的风险承担及管理能力,并根据承担能力来分配项目风险;在大型体育场馆的策划决策阶段,面临的最重要任务是投融资,有关主体之间的博弈主要是政府部门和社会投资方之间的二者博弈。  相似文献   
赵彬琰  荣佳 《科教文汇》2020,(1):115-116
商业银行经营管理是高等院校金融工程专业的一门专业课程,以往对于该课程的讲授多注重理论知识,忽视对于学生动手能力的培养,不利于现代高等学校培养“厚基础、宽口径、强能力、高素质”的新型人才。本文分析了商业银行经营管理课程教学中存在的问题,通过探讨理论课与实验课相结合的模式,为高校商业银行经营管理课程教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   
针对高新技术企业认定后的运行发展监测盲点,分析高新技术企业运行登记指标,利用突变级数法建立高新技术企业运行发展预警模型。并通过预警模型,开展湛江市2015—2017年高新技术企业运行发展预警情况实证分析,并运用灰色预测模型方法对湛江市部分高新技术企业未来运行发展情况进行预测。  相似文献   
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